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Teeth Whitening Injury Claims


Whatever your reasons for pursuing the perfect smile, from the removal of stains to battling against thinning enamel or discolouration, teeth whitening is one of the most common forms of repeat dental procedures. Popular as it may be, teeth whitening (like any dental or cosmetic proceduretic procedure) comes with risks – which is one of the reasons why teeth whitening procedures must only be performed by a dentist or other regulated dental professional (e.g. a dental therapist, dental hygienist or clinical dental technician who is working to the prescription of a dentist). If the procedure is carried out negligently, or without a dental professional being present, and you suffer an injury as a result, you may be able to make a claim to compensate you for the pain and loss the injury has caused you.

Teeth Whitening Complications & Injuries

Teeth whitening is a type of dental treatment aimed at making teeth whiter and brighter. There are two main types of whitening procedure, depending on what is causing the discolouration. Most common is vital whitening, where staining is caused to the outside of the teeth, such as from drinking dark-coloured liquids or from smoking. This procedure can involve a dental professional making a mouth-guard that’s used for applying a gel onto the teeth that bleaches them. It’s also possible to have a procedure whereby the dentist applies a bleaching powder which is activated by a laser. Home kits are also available. Whichever procedure is used, it usually needs to be repeated occasionally, to keep up whiteness and brightness. The second main type of whitening procedure is non-vital whitening, where staining comes from within the tooth, such as following root-canal treatment. This involves a dental professional applying a whitening agent inside the tooth and covering it with a temporary filling for a couple of days until it reaches the desired shade of whiteness.

Every procedure used to whiten teeth carries risks that can lead to discomfort, sensitivity, pain or blistering. Home kits may not be effective, or the bleaching gel may leak into the mouth. A dental professional may not carry out the procedure according to the standard required of them, resulting in substandard or inadequate work that causes you avoidable harm or complications. If it’s done by beauty salon staff who aren’t registered or properly qualified and your oral health suffers as a result, it’s not only negligent, it’s also unlawful.

Beauty Salon Teeth Whitening Claims, Scotland

It’s important to know that teeth whitening is not consider a cosmetic procedure but is a practice of dentistry. This means that if it’s done by someone who is not a registered dental professional, that person will not only be acting negligently, they could also face prosecution by the regulator of the dental profession, the General Dental Council (GDC). Unfortunately, despite this fact, we’re seeing an increase in the amount of people coming to us who have suffered teeth whitening injuries at beauty salons because the procedure wasn’t carried out by a GDC registered dentist, and therefore done unlawfully. If this happened to you, please contact us as soon as possible. We will not only help you to get the compensation you deserve, we will also inform the body responsible for investigating and prosecuting those who illegally carried out the procedure.

Dental Negligence Compensation Claims Solicitors Glasgow, Scotland

Making a dental negligence claim involves proving that you suffered an injury that was directly caused by negligent dental treatment. This means, amongst other things, establishing that the person carrying out the procedure failed to meet the standard expected of a dental professional, proving that their negligence caused your injury and providing evidence of the loss you suffered as a result of receiving poor dental treatment. The injury must also have occurred within the last three years. This is because the right to claim compensation doesn’t last indefinitely but only for a certain period of time (three years), which starts to run as soon as it’s reasonable for you to become aware of the injury. How much compensation you can claim for negligent dental treatment depends on the severity and nature of your injuries. It also depends on the impact the injury has had on you. For example, you may have had to undergo corrective treatment or take time off work during your recovery.

If you have been injured while undergoing a teeth whitening procedure, contact the dental negligence solicitors at Kerr Brown. We will help you through the entire process of claiming compensation. We’re experts in the law and procedures that apply to dental negligence claims and ready to provide the support and guidance you need. Speak to our expert personal injury solicitors today on 0808 250 0769 (lines open between 9am and 5:30pm) or contact us via our online contact form.